Wednesday, January 30, 2008

chapter 9-10-commentary

Chapter 9-

All of the animals started to rebuild the windmill.
On sundays the pigs were able to wear green ribons on their tails.
Animal farm was proclaimed a republic and now they could elect a president.
Boxer had a split hoof.
Boxer was sent in a van to go to a hospital.

Chapter 10-

After many years, animals died.
No animal could read or pass the letter B.
The windmill was used for milling corn, and they also made money off of it.

At the end of the book, it was very confusing. I thought that it would of ended a lot different. I thought that all of the animals would of lived and continued their lives on the farm without any problems. At the end it was not what I expected. I thought that it would of been a whole lot better. Thats what I was expecting.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

animal farm

Transfer- Chapter 2. In animal farm the animals make their own flag. They copy it from the Russian flag. They also hang it up to represent what they believe in. It is created because they think that they are not being treated fairly by the humans.

Plain Folks- Chapter 1. In animal farm this is used when all of the animals are gathered around in the barn. Old Major gives a speech trying to convince the animals to agree with him. He wants them on his side before he dies. He wants them to learn about what is going on with the humans. And what they are doing to them.

Bandwagon- Napoleon tells the animals that they should work to get all of the food. The animals ask why the pigs are sleeping in beds and Napoleon says that it has NO sheets so therefor HE can sleep in the bed.

Name calling- In real life people have to go through this. People call other people names. At school kids may face this name calling by bullies and other students. This can happen anywhere in the world. It can happen to anybody.

Appeal to emotion- When people tell stories about what happened. They tell sad stories. So they open up and tell others and see if they want to listen.