Monday, February 11, 2008

chapter 7

My dog just died not to long ago. I am still very upset about this. She did everything that I did. She wasnt just a dog. She was a great friend. She had cancer in her bones. When I herd about this, just before my mom took her to the vet I said " the only thing that she didnt have was cancer." And "She can go through anything and survive it all." Well I was wrong. I wish that I never said that. I cant do anything about it. When she died, it snowed at 10:00 when I was in school. Thats when I knew that she was gone. Yesterday was her birthday. It snowed yet again. I knew that she was looking down on me. Letting me know that she was there and that it was her birthday. That was her thing, the snow. She loved the snow so much that she would roll around in it. She did all of the things that I did. She went camping,swimming,hiking. She did it all. She even acted like a puppy even though she was 12.
The two things that are alike with Gerold are: He lost someone that he cared about deeply and now he is very upset about his loss.
The other thing is that he has been with her for 6 years.
I can relate to this because Ive been with my dog almost my whole life.
My dog was also my best friend.

1 comment:

Ms. Strout said...

Hey, lady. Losing a pet is such a difficult experience. I am sorry you had to go through it. Your dog was lucky to have such an incredible and loving owner, though - that is for sure. The snow connection is really very neat. What a comfort to feel her presence in that way.
